Becoming a parent is the most terrifying thing you will ever do. It’s a role that comes with endless questions about your behavior, their behavior, and what the world throws at them.
… are we too lenient?
… are we too strict?
… are we too academic?
…are we too silly?
… are we treating them fairly?
… are we letting them be themselves?
… what are we doing that could be upsetting them?
… are we spending enough time with them?
… are we letting them have enough time alone?
… do we take them to enough museums or zoos?
… should we make them practice their instruments / sports more?
… do we force sports or music?
… do we say no to activities?
… do they have too much screen time?
… do they have enough exposure to cutting edge tech?
… are they getting enough time outside?
… are they doing okay in school?
… what are they watching?
… what are they doing on youtube?
… do they like themselves?
… do they like each other?
… do they like us?
… should they read more?
… what’s happening on the bus?
… are their friends nice?
… have they traveled enough?
… do they know enough people who are different from them?

But, you know, it’s also the most awesome and cool thing you can do.

A proud moment for a parent


The Most Terrifying Thing …
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