Back when we were first toying with the idea of starting a blog we did the typical, “what should we call it?” dance. Words were said that can never be unsaid, like blogger, fun, and easy.
Crazy Kids #5 – the Theologian
More crazy kids, this time a post-bath time sermon. Can I get an amen? Also humility is not a virtue here.
Crazy Kids #4 – TPS Reports
Sometimes you get a glimpse into how your kids view work. For your enjoyment, conversations with a 6yo. dadventure: When do you plan to rule the school? 6yo: 10th grade. dadventure: Ok, 10th grade, great. 6yo: How many years of
Crazy Kids #3 – Minty Fresh Pirates
8yo: How do they make money? dadventure: Well, in this country the Mint makes money. 8yo: But how? 4yo: Is it minty? dadventure: (snort) No it’s a different meaning of mint. It’s a part of the Department of the Treasury.
Crazy Kids #2 – Problem Solved
Momventure to our crazy kids: “How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” 8yo: “38.” Problem solved. I suppose he could have just asked Siri.
Crazy Kids #1 – Type Casting
Introducing Crazy Kids, an occasional post where we briefly highlight an amusing tale or crazy things our kids say. This time, the roles we play.