snowdaypanoIf you follow us on Twitter you’ve probably seen a fair number of pictures of snow days (not to mention Vanagon repair). It’s not just because we love sledding, skiing, boarding, and snowball fights, although that’s a big part of it.  It’s also because we have a tradition in our little village where a few of us parents get together every snow day for games, food, and fun.

One of the benefits of being a part-time #vanlifer is that we get to develop some deep relationships with people in one place where our kids attend a great little school together.

What is a snow day? Well, if you have to ask… actually there doesn’t need to be snow for us to call a snow day. It’s any day where the kids don’t have school, and the parents either can’t make it to work or play hooky.

Why food? One of our friends (and MOMVENTURE) are seriously good chefs/bakers. So there is a large food component in each get together. Eventually there will just be a large people component if it’s a big snow year, but that’s alright because you need the insulation.

Why games? As you may have noticed elsewhere, we are big board game geeks (Dominion and PowerGrid I’m looking at you). Games give a framework to your time together and prevent you from eating ALL OF THE FOOD (see above).

Why music? Really? Because music is beautiful.

Hopefully this helps reinforce the importance of play, friends, gaming, good food, spontaneity, setting aside “real life”, and good music with our kids. They love these days, and we do too!


Snow Days
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