One of the key goals of this blog is to chronicle our adventures with our 2 awesomely geeky children. I could brag about them all day, naturally, but I won’t. Instead I’ll tell you about a little project we’ve embarked on to keep their interest while we travel. This project that we’re calling Kid Tripping will be posted here in a variety of forms.
These posts are aimed at elementary-aged kids who like to travel and have an interest in history. Well, they don’t have to have an interest in history, hopefully we’ll be engaging enough to encourage that.
Each post will focus on one area of the country, city, park, landmark, monument, or point of interest. They will generally be very short and filled with both interesting pictures and easily readable text.
But who are we fooling? If given the choice most kids would prefer to watch a video rather than to read a blog post, and in fact it’s rumored that some children actually can’t read yet… you know, we call them kindergarteners (or pre-k). So we’ll include a video, most likely with our typically low production quality and my nasally voice narrating. That is just how we roll.
Our first video drops tomorrow, and will be the first in this occasional series. Stay tuned to this bat channel for more from Kid Tripping or subscribe to our YouTube Channel to avoid this pesky text.