This week there will only be one really substantial piece (on Friday… stay tuned) as we are in the midst of a mini-adventure. It involves planes, rockets, and Legos. Duh. While we’re out of the office follow us on Twitter to
Adventure Log: Red Wing Roots Music Festival
Music is a big deal in this household. While we love good music of all types ,we tend to lean more towards Roots music, with a smattering of Rock, Hip-Hop, Bluegrass, Irish, and Classical making its way into our lives as well.
Goin’ Solo – A Cautionary Tale of Motorcycle Mayhem
Some adventures don’t have to be with the whole family, in fact these can often what gets you prepared for the family adventures. Solo motorcycle adventures allow you to explore your limits, get to know what makes you happy, allow
Adventure Log: Birmingham, Alabama
Adventures aren’t without learning. In fact, adventures might be impossible without some degree of learning.
Traveling Parent Style
Travel with kids can be chore, right? Sometimes they’re tired, hungry, bored, angry, or just want to be doing something outside of a car (or Vanagon). This is normal. Hey, if we’re being honest here travel without kids can be
Introducing Kid Tripping
One of the key goals of this blog is to chronicle our adventures with our 2 awesomely geeky children. I could brag about them all day, naturally, but I won’t. Instead I’ll tell you about a little project we’ve embarked
Space Oddity
Our kids love experiments, whether planned or serendipitous. Kids are born scientists and are constantly figuring out, “what does this do?” Even if sometimes those experiments entail such questions as “what happens when I take my brother’s iPad?” I imagine
Historic Adventure Log: Starting Slow at Chincoteague and Assateague
For several years we have been venturing to the Eastern Shore of Virginia to the small town of Chincoteague to get our beach quota in for the year. After living in New England, where access to oceans and mountains in