So, this is Westly.

Yeah, those stickers have to go.
Yeah, those stickers have to go.

Westly is our 1989 VW Vanagon, and although he’s lived a well-cared-for life he’s still a bit long in the tooth. Westly needs some care and feeding, not to mention a more reliable engine…

We’ll be keeping up with Westly on our Adventure Log page as well as on Twitter and Facebook.

Stay tuned.


For posts directly related to Westly see below. More pictures and griping can be found on our Twitter feed under the hashtag #followwestly.


Day 2: Huntington to Lexington to Chimney Rock RV Park

You know you’re in Kentucky when you’re offered moonshine within 10 minutes of arriving at a campsite. After a crazy day of torrential downpours eventually ending in a shady hotel room with a mud covered van we were ready for

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Update on Westly: What was done…

Here’s the list of all that was done to our Westly. “New” Subaru 2.2 engine (actually the 3rd engine I tried to put in… long story) Installed with the kit – which I highly recommend I also installed the

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Voyage of Discovery: The Plan

So, we’re doing this little trip. (aka the Sorting Hat Voyage) In this little van. With these little people.   So here’s the list of places we plan to hit: New River Gorge Mammoth Cave Metropolis, IL St. Louis Mark

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Installing a Gray Water Tank In a Vanagon

I decided to install a gray water tank on our Vanagon. These were fairly common on European Vanagons, but not an option in the US. The reason I chose to do this was that many of the campgrounds on the

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The Adventure Season Has Begun: Join Us

We are on Twitter more often than here blogging away. If you want to keep up with us, follow us there, or keep track of where we are by looking for the #followwestly hashtag on Twitter, Facebook, and Foursquare.

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An Update on Westly

Westly has come a long way since that first post we made about him. We’ve bought various engines (2), parts, and headaches (those were ‘free’) and now we’re down to ye’ old install the parts in the Vanagon time. First,

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Do you want to buy a slow van? (or Olaf’s revenge)

All good adventures need a noble steed. Don Quixote had his Rocinante, the Lone Ranger had Silver, Darwin had his Beagle and we have a Vanagon Westfalia. These vehicles have long fascinated me, not so much for their supposed hippie

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