Yeah, we blog about parenting. Here are the collected posts that deal with parenting 2 small boys. Remember we are not experts, just travelers on the road of parenthood.


Day 3: Camping to Mammoth to Central City KY

We left Chimney Rock campground early in the morning, expecting a warm day of many sites on our way to Mammoth Cave. Cruising down the road we saw signs leading to Abraham Lincoln’s childhood home. This unexpected detour was both

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Crazy Kids #15 – Parental Nightmare

5 y/o stands at the top of the stairs and waits until I come around the corner before looking me in the eye and yelling at the top of his lungs, “cannonball.”

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Day 2: Huntington to Lexington to Chimney Rock RV Park

You know you’re in Kentucky when you’re offered moonshine within 10 minutes of arriving at a campsite. After a crazy day of torrential downpours eventually ending in a shady hotel room with a mud covered van we were ready for

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Day 1: Starting our adventure (with donuts!)

Sometimes starting is the hardest part. After almost a year of planning, the purchase, renovation, and general craziness involved with getting our Vanagon running right (and reliably) we were ready to head out toward adventure. Our jobs had graciously (or

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Red Wing Roots IV

I’ve posted about RWR before – and so I think I’ll just say that this year was amazing (again) and that a brief rainstorm Thursday didn’t dampen our spirits at all.

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Test Run or Where We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Heat

Nothing says fun like a 6 hour drive to the beach in 90+ degree weather with no A.C.! In June we took our yearly vacation to Chincoteague to enjoy the beach and test out our very recently completed Vanagon with

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Crazy Kids #14 – Chicken Legs

“I’m a walking chicken nugget, I’m a walking chicken nugget… Chomp…. Aaaaaah I have no legs… Mwhahahah” – there is some sort of chicken horror show happening in the back seat.

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Crazy Kids #13 – Rock n’ Roll

8yo interpretation of the Decemberists’ June Hymn, “once upon it, yellow bonnet, garlic in your eye”

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Voyage of Discovery: The Plan

So, we’re doing this little trip. (aka the Sorting Hat Voyage) In this little van. With these little people.   So here’s the list of places we plan to hit: New River Gorge Mammoth Cave Metropolis, IL St. Louis Mark

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Crazy Kids #12 – Toot Toot

After an sonically eventful bathroom trip I asked the 3 yr old if he had gas. “No,” he said, “I have a motor-butt.” Best answer ever.

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