Conversations with a 6yr old while playing a Lego adventure game made up by said 6yr old: Me: Right, so there’s the king, and the hobbit, and the knight. 6: Golden Knight Me: Golden Knight, and the Miniature guy, and
Adventure Log: The Underworld (Florida)
Any good journey to Hades starts with a nice sail on the river Styx, dropping off a few memories in the Lethe and a healthy game of fetch with Cerberus. Of course, this is the sort of trip you don’t really
The Social Game
I had an epiphany recently, and it involved sports – of all things. Our youngest is an inherently social creature. He talks. All. The. Time. This is contrasted with our older boy who would rather sit in a corner and
Crazy Kids #7 – Brains…. brains….
That moment when your kid comes in to ask for some red food coloring because, “we need to make the brains.” Priceless… and terrifying. Reposting this picture, because it’s so appropriate.
An Update on Westly
Westly has come a long way since that first post we made about him. We’ve bought various engines (2), parts, and headaches (those were ‘free’) and now we’re down to ye’ old install the parts in the Vanagon time. First,